Monday 15 December 2008

Practice Filming.. (Newspaper Task)

In our groups we practiced simple manoeuvres with the cameras such as removing the tape from the camera and replacing it. After practicing we went with our pre-planned story boards of the task we were given and set up our stand to begin filming our first frame. The task was to film someone reading a newspaper in a thrilling way. Although reading a newspaper isn’t a thrilling activity we used camera angles and movement to try and achieve this. We knew that our settings would be outside in the street and inside the college on the staircase. We began by filming a member of our group at a high angle from inside the college, this created the feeling of him being watched which made him vulnerable. We thought that it created the feeling of the unknowing in a highly realistic way. We filmed the same thing again at a different position; I think it makes the clip more interesting. One problem I think we came across was not scheduling our time effectively because we began to run out of time and couldn’t re-shoot a frame we thought it could be done better. One Successful moment that I liked was when a member of my group had to run down the street at full speed and almost fell over because it made it realistic. When doing our next task as a group, i think as an improovment, we should work on using our time more effectivly and sharing the duties of filming, directing and starring more so that we can all gain experience in all areas.

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