Tuesday 3 March 2009

Final editing session 26/02/09

So today was the last editing session before the deadline tomorrow and we started off by adding in the credits to our sequence and Miles, having had inspiration from a music video, thought that a black screen with the definition of "arson" coming up on screen letter by letter to the sound of a typewriter, which turned out to be very effective. Then when we found out that there were computers free in the other room Miles and me went to work on the soundtrack whilst Topaz and Sevda carried on with the credits so as to get twice the work done in the same amount of time.

It was quite tricky for Miles and I to do the soundtrack without the finished footage but never the less we managed to come up with some sounds that we wanted to hear in the finished product. We put in SFX like birds, buses and trucks to make the establishing shots more realistic and give it an atmosphere. Miles decided that to make it more real we should put some of the original sounds from the footage in the soundtrack which after hearing I agreed worked really well.

After Sevda and Topaz had finished the editing we then imported it into soundtrack pro and started to match the sound to the film and after extensive searching we found the perfect typewriter noise to go at the start. As it came towards the end of the session we still had some final touches to do so Miles and Topaz agreed that they would come back after lunch to finish it off because Sevda and me had lessons to go to. I then went to watch the finish product and was really happy with what Miles and Topaz had done and couldn't find any fault with it. :-)

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