Monday 5 January 2009

Editing tutorial and Editing of newspaper task..

The lesson after our successful filming we began editing what we had filmed by transferring our recordings into special software called final cut pro; we learnt to do this in our editing tutorial which took place before filming. During the tutorial we used pre-recorded clips from a film and stuck the clips together in different ways to the original however, it had to make visual sense even if we were using the jump shot technique. By the end of the tutorial I felt as if I had enough practice from cutting clips down or making them slightly longer to be able to work with my group on our newspaper task. In my opinion, the most difficult part of editing is making the clips run smoothly although when you have more people to reassure that it looks satisfactory it becomes much easier. When editing we found small additions to make our newspaper task look better for example, we crossed two clips into one another instead of a jump cut to add more of an mysterious, tension building atmosphere. We also added a recording sign on the screen to make it appear as if, during apart of the film, one of the characters was being watched. I think that if the clip had non-diagetic and diagetic sounds it would be much more realistic. Overall, I think that it was a really good first attempt and I am looking forward to starting the real thriller film.

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