Saturday 31 January 2009

Filming - Thursday 29th January

In this lesson myself and Topaz were told to meet Pebbles and Sevda at Hackney Downs Park at 10am. This would hopefully give us at least two hours to shoot the shots we needed to. Pebbles and Sevda had arranged to go and get the equipment that we needed. We began by walking around the park and looking for the bridge that we would use for our establishing shot. Pebbles and Sevda shot two establishing tilt shots of the sky, then of Topaz walking, and then one establishing pan shots of the area then of Topaz walking again. This gave us alot to edit from, and meant that when it was my turn to shoot, we didn't need to shoot anymore establishing shots and could focus on just shooting action. We found that it was very cold, and we found it hard to shoot for the two hours. However we kept on going and found a bench in which we filmed different shots of action which we hoped to use when it came to editing to show that my character was a ghost that was watching over Topaz's character. We had filmed more than we thought we had done in the two hours that we were out there, and this was further backed up by the fact that the two batteries that we had for the camera both ran out. I was pleased with what we had done, but none of us were pleased with the current state of our hands and feet, as we slowly walked back to the bus stop we discussed what we were going to do on Monday. We decided to watch back what we had done, then if we were dissatisfied we would come back next week Thursday and reshoot, also because there were two crucial shots that we had not completed.

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