Saturday 31 January 2009

The Pitch 22/01/09

In the first half of todays lesson we were told to start thinking of ideas for our thriller opening ready to do our pitch in the following lesson. After throwing a few ideas around we came up with the idea to use the technique of film noir, meaning that our clip would be the end of the film. The narrative of our film would be a woman walking in the park reminiscing about a time when she was at the park with her friend/boyfriend who is now dead. Throughout the timein which she is walking through the park her friend/boyfriend will be following, much like a ghost, the fact the he is dead will be made clear to the audience by when we edit the opacity of him to make it less than the rest of the shot giving him a supernatural appearance. By making the boy follow the woman it suggests to the audience that something was not quite right in the way that he died hinting perhaps that he was murdered,which would be reveiled later in the film.

To make it clear that the woman is having flashbacks of herself and the boy in the park we are going to make it so they are wearing school uniforms in the flashbacks and then the woman when seen in the present time will be wearing clothes of a more mature age. Also we will make the flashback shots in black and white so as to make them even more distinctive.

We have decided to use a park for our location because we really want to use the sound of swings because we felt that that sound is really effective when it comes to setting an eerie atmosphere perfect for a thriller. We have chosen to film in Downs Park in Hackney because the children's playground is visually interesting which is vital when it comes to creating the effect that we want for our thriller so that we can use lots of different camera angles and quick cuts.

As sound is such an important factor to consider when making a thriller as we have learnt through the soundtrack tutorial and through watching some of last years thrillers which had not really made the most of their sound we spent rather a long time considering what we wanted the audience to hear. The main sound that we wanted was the squeaking of a swing to match the shot where the audience will see a swing swinging with no one on it. We will also compile an eerie soundtrack that will in he background so as to heighten the suspense and tension.

The second half of todays lesson was dedicated to the class giving our pitches to Louisa, Mickey and Marissa. It was extremely important that they liked our ideas and thought them capable of doing otherwise we would not get permission to start filming next lesson and would have to go back to the drwing board. At first they thought that the narrative to our thriller was quite hard to understand but when we elaborated further on it thankfully they thought our idea was good and that we were capable of actually doing it. All that was left for us to do was to complete the storyboards.

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