Saturday 31 January 2009

The Pitch..

In this lesson we were given the task to prepare our pitch. We had been told to prepare ideas for our pitches. This was an important lesson as if Mickey, Marrisa and Louisa didn't like or couldn't see our idea working, then they had the power to tell us that we could not film, and therefore would have put us at least one lesson behind the other groups. I had gotten some pictures of the area that we wished to use for our actual thriller. These pictures helped as it allowed us to visualize the area, however it was hard to imagine the different camera angles that we would have wanted to use. We decided to base our ideas around a woman who is reliving her past with her friend or boyfriend in the playground that they used to visit when they were younger. We decided to show that her friend or boyfriend had died from the time that they used to be in the playground, and to show this effectively we decided to make his character's opacity lesser than the rest of the shot to create a ghost like effect. Also our thriller opening was going to include a flashback of when they were younger so that not too much of the story was given away in the opening.

After pitching, we were told that our idea was realistic and would work, which we were pleased for. We then started working on our storyboards, and once this was complete began talking about what we needed to begin shooting on Thursday. We made a props list, and decided on clothes we needed, and where we were going to shoot and at what time.

In today’s lesson we discussed and put together all our ideas for our actual thriller. We had lots of ideas and we had difficulties putting together certain ideas as we could not visualise them. We presented our ideas as a pitch to the class and we were told our idea would work well. We are going to film near to hackney in a park called Downs Park where most of our group members are familiar of. Our idea is: setting is going to be in a park and have 2 characters dressed up in school uniform, during the thriller there would be black and white clips and flashbacks. Swings and see saws are going to be shown as we would have lots of different shots and camera work e.g. pans to show the location, close ups, low angle shots to show feet. We had a lot of positive feedback and some of our class mates giving us more ideas to develop on ours. I am sure our thriller is going to create lots of questions and lots of suspense. We then created some of our story boards and took some to complete at home and next lesson we would be filming.

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