Friday 16 January 2009

Preliminary film

15th January 2009:

Today’s lesson we filmed and edited our preliminary films. Our second practise went really successful as we were better organised and we were more confident and aware of how to use all the equipment. We were certainly more confident and experimented with lots of different shot types that we recently learnt.
As a group we have learnt that between our first and second practice films we need to experiment with different shots at different angles otherwise there would be no match cuts included in our films. We also have learnt that every time we film we get better and better.
I think that in our second film we did follow the forms and conventions of real films. We used a variety of shot types and camera angels so the film got more interesting after each action. We decided to create a film that touches the romance genre which also was a bit like a thriller as well. We decided to use the media storage room to show this romance happening between these two people. The media room had a lot of technical equipment and folders which also followed the forms and conventions of real films as some films are set in storage rooms. We deliberately chose set our film in the college corridors as we thought it would be the best place to set our film making sure the surroundings fitted our film. I think our editing was excellent as it runs smooth and all the cuts are not noticeable and would not change it at all, however I’m aware that in other films I do not think they would have a edit like ours. I feel that as a group we tend to get better and better as we love having fun while filming and also we love to do our best.

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