Friday 16 January 2009

Preliminary Film (Match Cut Exercise) 15/01/09

Todays lesson was focussed on filming and editing our preliminary films. I think that this second practice film went really well because we were more organised than the first practice so it was less stressful and we were more confident with the equipment so tried lots of different types of shots.

My group have learned between our first and second practice films that when filming we need to film the same thing from many different angles because it means that it is possible to include match cuts into the film. It also makes it more interesting for the audience if a variety of angles are used. I have also learned that when editing you have to pay such close attention to detail so as to ensure continuity throughout the sequence.

I think that in this film my group did kind of follow forms and conventions of real films. We used a variety of shot types and camera angles so that it wasn't boring. Also because we decided to kind of do a film of the romance genre (which was a bit like a thriller too) the camera lingers on the characters to show lovelorn facial expressions like many romance films have in them. The narrative I think is also typical of a romance type of film where two characters have a forbidden type of love thing going on and I think the mise en scene complimented the narrative because the duologue took place in the media storage room where no one else was around. We also chose to deliberately set our film in a college seeing as though we had to film in college we felt that it would be the best thing to do to make sure that the surroundings fitted in with our film. The editing of the sequence I am not sure whether it follows forms of real films although what I do know is that the editing is BRILLIANT because it all just runs so smoothly and you hardly notice the cuts.

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