Wednesday 14 January 2009

match cuts

12th january 2009:

In this lesson we learnt about making match cuts. We learnt that a match cut follows the same action from many different angles so that it looks like one smooth shot and the audience does not notice the edit. We were set a task to plan shot types we would use to film a short sequence about a chain-smoker copying confidential computer files and plans to a CD. We watched a film that the media technicians had done using the same scenario. We were told to see how many match cuts we could spot.
After this we were set a task to plan what we would do for a short piece of film that we would be shooting next lesson. We were told to use at least one match cut, and example of shot reverse shot and showing our understanding of the 180 degree rule(by not breaking it). The scenario is supposed to be a character opening a door walking into the room sitting down opposite another character and a few lines of dialogue are shared. We came up with a lot of good ideas such as positioning the camera through the shelves. We had too many ideas that we couldn’t fit them all on paper. I hope our filming goes well and creates lots of suspense.

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