Monday 5 January 2009

Sound Tutorial..

We had our sound tutorial today, in which we watched the trailer for casino Royale. The clip was filled with many diagetic sounds such as foot steps and non-diagetic sounds such as explosions. I thought it was a very complex opening because of the use of a flash back, although there wasn’t any build up of tension it was very gripping because of feeling of the unknown. If my group and I decided to use a flash back as an opening we would be sure to use sounds to create tension to make it as effective as possible because we would only have two minutes to make a connection with the audience and draw them in. We used software on the computers and practiced putting non-diagetic and diagetic sounds to different scenes of Casino Royale. Incorporated into the programme listened to a talk from two men that work with sounds and film regularly. One interesting thing I learnt from them is that when creating a film, 400 different sounds are optional at any given moment to maximise the effect of the shot. I highly enjoyed the sound tutorial today because I found it challenging to find and place the correct sounds to each action within the clip, however I managed to do my best with layering the sounds properly and I think with more practice I could become really good at composing sounds for different scenes.

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