Monday 12 January 2009

Storyboard tutorial and planning..

Today, our lesson was based on preparing for filming and editing our preliminary film, by learning about match cutting which is the term used when the same action is filmed from more than one angle. An example of a match cut would be a man, at a high angle mid-shot with a cigarette in his mouth and flicking a lighter in his hand. You then see the continuation of that action, which is a close up of the man lighting the cigarette which is still situated in his mouth. Also in the lesson we were given a shot list exercise in which we had to incorporate a match cut. The synopsis of this exercise was, East London. 3pm. A man chain smokes as he sits in his home on his PC. He copies confidential computer files and plans to a CD. He packages them and is seen posting them.
When first reading this and being told that we would have to make this into twenty shots, I thought that it would be impossible however, after completing the task I found that it was the complete opposite. We then had the opportunity to see what it looks like as Mickey’s version. I could see that some of the shots that we would have used were also incorporated into it which made me feel good because I know that when we are making our storyboard for our thriller opening we wouldn’t lack professional looking ideas. One idea that I noticed and really liked from Mickey’s version of the synopsis is that he used text to state the time and location which automatically sets the scene and eliminates the need for an establishing shot to set the scene which is what my group would have done.
Finally, we were given our preliminary filming task. The brief, film the sequence of a character opening a door, walking into a room, sitting opposite another character and sharing a few lines of dialogue. We had to include at least one match cut and one shot /reverse shot and showing our understanding of the 180 degree rule which is only filming on one side of the characters so that when transferred onto a screen the characters will constantly appear on the same sides. This time around we did the maximum amount of planning to maximise our films potential because we didn’t want a repeat of our first task in which we had poor time efficiency. One idea that we came up with through planning that I’m really proud of is filming in the secluded storage cupboard, in which we could use the settings to make it much more interesting to watch.

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