Saturday 31 January 2009

Preliminary Filming

In today's lesson we filmed and then edited our match cut excercise films. We felt much more encouraged about this because we had the experience from our first excercise, and this time we knew how to use all the equipment. The previous lesson about match cuts, and seeing Mickey's clip helped us to know what we wanted to achieve by the end of filming time. One thing we did differently compared to last time was that we shot the same shot from different angles. This gave us many shots to edit and didnt limit us to the same angled shot. We played around with angles and tried to make our clip interesting and tense. Also, we had to do this otherwise we couldnt then use match cuts in our clips. We had much more fun filming this time as it was less stressful and this allowed us to get everything we needed to do done.

Our clip was a thriller that touched slightly on the romance genre. The space that we decided to pick was a place that was very small so therefore it created intimate tension. There were many shelves and boxes in the room so we had many places to shoot from to make the shots more interesting. We felt this was good aswell because we could then shoot Topaz walking down the corridor then into the room and we realised that was a large opportunity to use match cuts just through these two actions.

After we'd finished shooting, we went into the editing suite. It was interesting to see the shots we had done compared to the first excercise, and it was safe to say that these shots were much better. Though we had many outtakes that were full of laughing, it was good to see that we were enjoying the experience more than before and we got loads of shots that could have been used. However, for realism and continuity we couldn't use all of them. As a group I think we have now become a team as we understand how each other works now, also we know each others strengths and weaknesses. Our editing in our clip was really good as it runs very smoothly and none of the cuts look wrong. We had fun filming and we cant wait to do the real thriller film.

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