Friday 23 January 2009

preparing pitch

22nd January 2009:

In today’s lesson we discussed and put together all our ideas for our actual thriller. We had lots of ideas and we had difficulties putting together certain ideas as we could not visualise them. We presented our ideas as a pitch to the class and we were told our idea would work well. We are going to film near to hackney in a park called Downs Park where most of our group members are familiar of. Our idea is: setting is going to be in a park and have 2 characters dressed up in school uniform, during the thriller there would be black and white clips and flashbacks. Swings and see saws are going to be shown as we would have lots of different shots and camera work e.g. pans to show the location, close ups, low angle shots to show feet. We had a lot of positive feedback and some of our class mates giving us more ideas to develop on ours. I am sure our thriller is going to create lots of questions and lots of suspense. We then created some of our story boards and took some to complete at home and next lesson we would be filming.

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