Thursday 8 January 2009

The Soundtrack Tutorial.

Today we had another tutorial with the infamous Mickey who taught us about soundtracks and how they are effective in creating tension / suspense in a scene. We watched the Casino Royale trailer and saw how they used diagetic and non - diagetic sound to enhance the editing they had done previously. Then using a programme on the computers we watched clips of people who used sound to enhance the scenes in Casino Royale. Also there were a few activities on there to further allow important sound is in a scene to sink in. We had to put sounds into a scene of the movie. My scene was the Casino scene. I found this interesting, but hard at the same time. I found it hard to make the scene effective as we were only given five tracks to work with when an editor of the film said that a basic scene would consist of around 30 - 40 tracks of sound. However it was an experience learning how the sound changes the scene.

After this we were given a video that was already edited and asked to put sound onto it. This was really fun as we got to see all the sounds that were contained on the Soundtrack Programme. However, I did get sidetracked and made a soundtrack that did not match the scene. I enjoyed the music making side lesson and when it comes to making the soundtrack for my thriller opening I am very excited.

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