Monday 12 January 2009

Soundtrack Tutorial 5/01/09

Today we had a soundtrack tutorial with Mickey. First we we watched the trailer to Casino Royale paying special attention to how non-diagetic and diagetic sound enhanced the clip. We then went on to a program where we were able to listen to what professional sound people had to say about the effectivness and the importance of sound when making a movie and got the chance to play around with different clips to see how they sounded with no dialogue amongst other things. We were then given the choice of four clips from Casino Royale to put sound to, I chose to do the casino scene. I found this quite hard to do because the choice of sounds was very limited and when I tried to match the dialogue it was just not working however it did enable me to get the gist of why sound is such an important consideration when making a film.

After the Casino Royale exercise we were then given the task of creating a soundtrack which matched the action going on in the "Bait" video clip. I found listening to the different sounds on offer fun but found it quite tedious after a while because i'm not very good at matching the sound to the action, but I am hoping that this will be a skill that I gain further on in the project.

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