Monday 9 February 2009

Editing 5/02/09

In todays lesson we were meant to go out and do some more filming because we knew how much we still had to get done however due to poor weather conditions, it was snowing, we decided that we wasn't going to film because the last time that we filmed it had been a sunny day and filming today would cause us major continuity problems. So we chose to dedicate this lesson to logging and capturing what we already had, which after watching it back was not that much.
Everyone was quite down in the lesson today because for some reason we felt that we had got some good shots at the time but when we played it back we saw that the establishing shot was shaky at the beginning with an annoying bird zooming past and also when we watched the bench scene we could see mine and Sevda's shadows in the shot as well as the actual camera and tripod. However, after we had come to terms with what we had we did try to make it work and ended up trying to edit what we had but nothing seemed to fit together, so we then sat down and planned what we needed to get done when we next went filming, what needed to still be shot and what needed to be shot again, making sure that we were aware of what we needed to do to prevent some of the mistakes we made from happening again. It was through this process that we actually came up with a schedule that we were realistically going to be able to stick to.

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