Wednesday 11 February 2009

New Pitch 09/02/09

Having missed out on two filming sessions because of poor weather and more bad weather predicted for the near future my group and I decided that the best thing to do would be to start again. It is quite a drastic decision because it would mean that we are behind everyone else by about two weeks but we felt that it was a necessary one.

The new idea is a very simple one of a woman who is of an obsessive nature and has a unhealthy fascination with previous terrorist and arsonist attacks. We will be filming the whole thing in and around Mile's basement, which we felt would be a good location because first and foremost it is indoors meaning that the weather has no effect on filming sessions and also people who are obsessed with certain events or people usually have a space in which they can work on their ideas that no one else has access too and these are usually basements.

There will be low lighting (candles and lamps) to give an eerie feel to the opening and to suggest that anything or anyone could be lurking around the corner. Over the walls there will also be newspaper cuttings and pictures of previous terrorist attacks and the perpertrators. There will be maps of different areas with red rinfgs around certain locations to give the impression that the woman is trying to find a link between these events and possibly where the next one is going to happen.

We will be using a variety of different shot types and angles to make it visually interesting some of these being low angles, high angles, P.O.V and over the shoulder shots. We will also include some extreme close ups of the woman's hands and newspaper cuttings to show what she is doing and give the audience some kind of idea where the film is going.

Due to us starting again we have had to plan absolutely everything to make sure that we will be able to complete the opening in time for the deadline. We are hoping to get all the filming that we need done in Thursdays session, to make sure that this has a good chance of happening we are going to take out the equipment on Wednesday so that we can all meet at Mile's house at 9.00am on Thursday so that we have a good amount of time to achieve what we need to. We have also allocated each other jobs to do before the filming so that we have everything we need to have, I am bringing the newspaper cuttings, drawing pins and equipment, Sevda is bringing matches and other arsonist type paraphernalia, Miles' getting his basement sorted out and Topaz is bringing the lighting (candles). This will all hopefully make filming on Thursday a lot easier and enable us to get what we need to get done. We have also organised it so that Miles will start logging and capturing when we get back to college because he has a free lesson and me, Topaz and Sevda will come in on half term to start the editing process.

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