Thursday 5 February 2009

Editing original footage..

Today, because of bad weather, we decided it would be more productive to log and capture the footage that we had so far. We decided this because the bad weather was attually a thick layer of snow which would have caused major dis-continuation in our sequence so rather than risk loosing marks we came to that descision as a team. Although, we didnt finish filming the whole of our storyboard we had some very impressive shots such as establishing shots, long shots,even slow zooms, and paning but, whilst watching what we had filmed we realised some were unusable because of the lense being dirty, a bird flying across the sky at a fast pace, shadows of the camera and tripod and in the shots and some of the shots being shakey despite the use of the tripod. I felt as if our work was going down hill even after all the planning that we did so i spoke to my group about the matter and it turns out that our feelings were mutual. This was a problem that we fixed by making a list of what needed re-shooting and what still needed to be done. We decided that we would be filming next lesson.

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