Friday 27 February 2009

Thursday 26th February - 1 more day!

So this was our last lesson before the deadline was passed. We came in and began adding our credits into our piece. At around 10am, we discovered another classroom had become available so Pebbles and I went into the other classroom to make our soundtrack whilst Sevda and Topaz focussed on the video editing. It was definitely fun making the soundtrack. Me and Pebbles found the sounds we liked and waited for the video to be finished so that we could put the sounds together. We added SFX like bird noises, buses, and cars starting to the opening shot to give the video an atmosphere. We put sound over the whole video, but i cut some of the original video sounds like Topaz's footsteps and put them into the soundtrack so that the sound was more realistic. Once the editing was done, we imported it into soundtrack and began layering the sound to make it more interesting. We found a typewriter sound for the beginning of our film and we found that the film looked very good. However, we needed to do some tweaking but had run out of time. Topaz and I came back after the lesson for the workshop session and decided to finish the editing. Once we had done the credits and made sure everything was correctly in place with the soundtrack, we imported it back into Final Cut Pro and we were finished. After watching it back about four times we were pleased with our final product and pleased that after originally being a week behind we were a day ahead of most groups!

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