Monday 2 February 2009

Filming preliminary task

Today, we filmed and edited our preliminary tasks.
We started our task by collecting the necessary tools such as the camera and tripod. Soon after we went and set up the equipment at our chosen location, which we decided on from our previous lesson. The storage cupboard was slightly messy so we quickly moved a few boxes so that we could have the required amount of space to film. Our filming was successful because everyone was focused and much more confident with how to use the equipment. We knew the shot types and angles that we had to do because of our very detailed planning from our previous lesson. I’ve learnt that planning is highly important to the extent of how well the task turns out, for example we planned to make our preliminary romantic through the body language and conversation between the characters and it went successful because our group was the only one to think outside of the box which is different compared to other groups. In editing we didn’t have any problems because we all helped when choosing the perfect clips to put together and make the match cuts and shot reverse shots.

This film was very fun for the whole group and has made us much more anxious and excited to start planning and filming our overall task of two minutes to the opening of a thriller film.

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