Thursday 19 February 2009


5th Febuary 2009:

Due to the poor weather conditions we decided not to film because the last time we filmed there was sun which would cause a large continuity problem. We decided to log and capture what we have already, which was not much. When we watched our shots we felt like we had some brilliant shots and some were useless and had to be re-shot. The establishing shot was shaky with a bird zooming past. When we watched the bench scene we realised that mine and Pebble’s shadow is visible in the shot as well as the camera and tripod. We were all trying to figure out how we were going to make this work and we tried to edit what we had but it was useless. We then planned what we needed to get done next time we were filming and what needed to be re-shot. We came up with a schedule that we were going to be able to stick to so we do not come across mistakes again.

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