Friday 27 February 2009

Monday 23rd February..

Today was our first day back at college. We had until the end of this week to do our thriller task as Friday was the deadline. I was very happy that Sevda and Topaz had come in to college on Monday and had logged and captured and put some of the footage into a basic order for us. Me and Pebbles were very pleased with the shots and how they had come out, it was a big morale boost for all of us. Although we were behind still, we were in a better position to catch up, and we all were focussed on doing work. We began by watching what Topaz and Sevda had done, and me and Pebbles gave an opinion on what could be improved. With all four of us focused and dedicated to a plan that we believed in, we began working very quickly and by the end of the 1 hour 40 minute lesson we had achieved a sequence that we were all very happy with. We decided that on Thursday we would tweak, add credits, improve our editing and our soundtrack. We still had alot to do, but we were all becoming happier and happier with our work and we were getting closer to catching up to the rest of the groups doing their thrillers.

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