Friday 27 February 2009

We Pitch.. Again! (9th Feb)

There was more snow on Monday, so despite our decision to try and film again this lesson, we were not able to and had to seriously sit down with Mary and discuss how much time we had. Because our deadline was fast approaching we were becomin more and more frustrated with the weather that was affecting our progress. Realizing that we had to change our idea, we sat down and discussed possible ideas even thouh we were now a week and a half behind schedule.

We decided to go with an idea that Topaz had previously come up with but didn't use. We had opted against it because we didn't feel it was an effective idea and felt we couldn't portray it effectively. This time around I offered to use my basement as it was recently refurbished and was a location that was not dependant on the weather. We began drawing out initial storyboard ideas, and preparing our pitch for Mary to hear and hopefully approve. We all were happy with the new idea, location, time and who was to pick up the equipment.

Our idea was of a woman who is obsessed with fires and arson attacks. We decided that Topaz would play this character. We came up with the idea of using my basement as her private place where she houses her obsession for arsons and plans her next arson attacks. We decided that we would have to allocate different things to each of us to ensure we didnt waste time on Thursday for filming. I had to prepare my basement, and try to create the mise - en - scene that would be in a typical thriller, Pebbles was responsible for getting the equipment, Sevda had to help bring items that would enhance the mise - en - scene, and Topaz had to bring candles and lamps for the area as well as her character.

With all of this in place we were ready to pitch our idea to Mary. Mary was approving of our idea, and was very supportive as she knew we were behind. However, she told us we would have to work extra hard to catch up.

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