Thursday 19 February 2009

Our new pitch

9th Febuary 2009:

Having missed out on two filming sessions because of the poor weather conditions, we couldn’t predict if the weather was going to carry on so we decided to start again. We knew that this meant that we were going to be behind everyone else but we felt that if we didn’t start again then we were going to fail the whole thing.
Our new idea is a bit simpler to our old idea. Our main character is a woman who is obsessed with fire and arson attacks. We decided to film in Mile’s basement which we felt was a good location because we could shoot everything in one session. We set the location in a dark basement as we thought this could be very effective as this space could be a room she takes important packages, makes plans. Mile’s was responsible for preparing the basement and making it a suitable place to film in. topaz was going to be responsible for her costumes and a few lighting equipment, candles & lamps.
I had the job of bringing images that would be suitable for the main character to use e.g. pictures of houses burning and words stuck onto a page saying “BURN”, “DIE” and also matches and lighters. And finally Pebbles had the most important job which was to pick up the equipment the night before as we were going to meet up at Mile’s house at 9o clock on the dot.
We decided for the lighting to be low just to be candles and lamps used to give it a spooky feel to the opening which would create questions and suspense. On walls there would be pictures of previous terror attacks and fires and there would be maps of different areas circled with red rings around the certain locations so the audience can feel that the woman is trying to blow up certain areas.
We will be using a variety of different shot types and angles to make it interesting some would be high angles, P.O.V, over the shoulder shots, low angles and we would also include some extreme close ups and close ups.
We arranged for Miles to come into college after the filming to log and capture as he is free.

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