Friday 27 February 2009

Thursday 5th Feb

Today there was more snow. The snow had fallen since the start of this week so we decided to log and capture our footage and try and see if we could edit all the parts together. We also discussed whether or not we could wait another week for the snow to clear. We realised that for us to film through the snow would cause major discontinuation in our film. We felt that we may have to come to a decision and change ideas. We were torn because we knew that changing the idea would mean we would be a week behind the other groups, but we didnt want to risk having a lesser mark due to discontinuation in our filming. After checking the footage we had, we realised that the shots we had were not up to the standard that we wanted. Many shots had a dirty lense, shadows of tripod and were shaky. We decided that we liked our idea and would try and shoot on Monday hoping that the snow would pass.

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