Monday 9 February 2009

Filming 29/02/09

In the previous lesson that we spent preparing for our filming session we had decided that me and Sevda were going to collect the equipment and meet Miles and Topaz at the park at ten 'o' clock because we felt that it was pointless us all getting the equipment when some people lived closer to the location so could just make their way straight there. We chose to meet at ten because it would give us at least two hours to get the majority of the shots we needed to film done. Once all of us were there we walked to the bridge that we had decided to use for our establishing shot. Me and Sevda managed to shoot two tilts of the sky and a pan going from right to left, we chose to do the pan as well as the tilt so that we would have more options when it came to editing. We then filmed Topaz walking towards the camera and then filmed Miles in the same way. At this point it was easily -100 degrees and we were close to being frozen but never the less we moved on and found a bench that we thought would be perfect for Topaz to sit on and have different shots of Miles at different places on the bench so that when it came to editing we could do some quick cuts showing the change of position and hopefully indicate to the audience that he is a ghost. This turned out to be the last thing we filmed because both batteries ran out and we had no use of our fingers due to the extreme cold, however we felt that we got a good amount of filming done and that we could watch it back and then see if we were going to have to reshoot a few shots and what shots we still had to do.

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