Monday 9 February 2009

Our new pitch..

Due to more unpredicted bad weather, despite the previous descision to film last lesson, we didn't film yet again and descided to scrap our idea completly. It took alot of consideration but we had no choice because of the deadline that was steadily growing near and the increasinlg bad weather that we unfortunatly depended on. This meant that we would be behind on our schedule however, we are all determind and are willing to work extra hard to get to cacth back up and finish the project on time.

Our new idea was one that i thought of earlier on in the project but wasn't used because of the belief that the other idea would be more effective as a thriller. We started with the initial descisions such as the location which is a member of my groups basement and around it which is good because it isn't dependant on the weather like our old idea. We also decided who would pick up the equiptment and what time to meet at his house which was really early to maximise our time. We began on the storyboards and everthing seemed to fit into place. We are all mutually happy with the decision made and i am looking forward to filming this idea.

The idea is of a fiesty woman, played by myself, that has an obsession with fire and arson attacks. She has a secluded place in which she takes important packages, tries to clear her head and plans her next moves. To make this possible we allocated duties to each member so that we have no reasons why filming will not be successful. Iam responsible for the costumes and lighting (candles and lamps), Miles is reponsible for preparing his basement and making it suitable to film in. Pebbles had the most important job of bringing the equiptment that we needed and sevda had the job of bringing newspapers and images that would imply that the main character was an arsonist or at least had an obsession with arsonist attacks.

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