Monday 16 February 2009

Media Workshop..

Today, i attended workshop with one of my group members, the others had previous arrangements and sadly couldn't make it. I arrived first, collected the equiptment from the office and began to panic because i realised how far behind all the other groups we were. I Started to log and capture our footage until Sevda arrived which meant we would both have to work really hard to utilise our time effectivly to get as much work as possible done in time for the deadline. We began to put our sequence together, so we agreed on each shot to use to make the sequence as interesting , effective and thrilling a possible. We did many shots of each action from different angles when filming, which came in handy when deciding which would looks most effective when matched together. This is something i would definatly do again if i had the chance to redo the project because it turnt out to be extremly helpful. A problem that occured was that some of the clips didn't log and capture properly and went offline, which meant that we couldnt use them in our sequence. We overcame that problem by logging and capturing the ones that were crutial again, it did take up valuable time but it was worth it. We still have quite a substantial amount of work to catch up on but i believe we can do it using all the time possible for example our remaining lessons and workshops.

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