Monday 2 February 2009

First day of Filming overall task

We had previously arranged for two of our group members to collect the equipment that we needed as they lived closer to college. My other group member and I met them at the park in with the clothing that we needed for the scenes. We began by referring to the storyboards from our previous lesson and setting up the equipment. Miles and I both changed clothes and we began shooting. Many people were unexpectedly in the park but we were very patient and worked with it because we thought it would be more realistic. As I played the role of tiffany I’m not too sure about many of the difficulties that may of occurred when filming however, once I spoke to my group members they said that they couldn’t keep the camera in the same position, which is what we planned to do, because of zooming in and out. Two problems that I experienced was the weather, because it was so cold and the batteries running out. We didn’t finish filming but we made a joint decision to continue filming next week Thursday after watching our current footage on Monday.

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